FROM: The City of Crescent City - Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool

DATE: May 11th, 2022

CONTACT: Director of Economic Development & Recreation Ashley Taylor - 464-7483 x 238

SUBJECT: Temporary Pool Closure


For Immediate Release:

The Fred Endert Pool is temporarily closed due to a ceiling issue above the pool area that is creating a safety concern. The issue is nonstructural, however it does create a potential safety hazard for anyone using the pool. For the public’s safety, the City will keep the facility closed until the issue can be resolved. Staff is working diligently to address the situation and find a solution that will allow the pool to reopen as soon as possible. We will keep the public notified via our website, CrescentCity.Org, and Facebook page, Crescent City CA – City Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to check the status of the pool closure, you can contact our office line at 707-464-7483.

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