Fred's News

Upcoming private rentals:

The pool will be closed for the following dates and times for private rentals; Monday June 12th & Wednesday June 14th 9 AM- 12 PM.

Summer pool schedules:

The pool will have 4 different summer schedules that will be physically available by June 12th. Now you may be saying, "WOAH, 4 schedules! That is bananas!" Keep in mind that school will be out and being the only year-round public swimming pool in our beloved city we are trying to engage in more youth programs from Expanded Learning to Jr. Lifeguard lessons and more. These changes will be in place for 2 months (July and August)

New programs?:

We have had a few people ask us about adult group lessons! If you or anyone you know is interested, let us know asap :)

If you have questions, please reach out to us, and leave a message at the pool at 707-464-9503.

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