The Community Development Department encompasses Code Enforcement, Economic Development and Planning for the City of Crescent City.
The City of Crescent City contracts planning services through SHN, Inc. Ethan Lawton is assigned as the main contact for the City of Crescent City, Leanna Smith is the secondary contact.
Planning Contact
Crescent City Planning (Contracted through SHN)
Phone: 707-441-8855
Ethan Lawton (Primary) Contract City Planner
(707) 269-1073
Leanna Smith (Secondary) Contract City Planner
Phone: 707-269-1052
Maps and Plans
This division provides an integrated approach to Municipal Code and California enforcement to promote a clean safe and healthy environment for all residents by enforcing the City's Health and Safety Code.
Code Enforcement Contact
Robin Altman
(707) 464-7483 ext. 223
Our mission is to forge partnerships in our community and create economic resilience. The City of Crescent City Economic Development Division is dedicated to creating jobs, stimulating the growth and expansion of business and improving the quality of life in Crescent City.
Crescent City Economic Development Strategic Action Plan (June 2021).pdf
Del Norte County 2019-2024 CEDS
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) provides an action plan for collaboration between government, private sector businesses, non-profit community organizations and the public to accomplish shared goals for economic development in Del Norte County and the Crescent City Harbor District with the assistance of a committee of business-people and agency representatives. The plan includes economic and demographic information and trends, a review of infrastructure and transportation needs, and goals and objectives for economic development in the region over the next five years. The plan also includes a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis as well, based on ADE's data analysis and input from the CEDS committee, government agencies, and the public.